
评估 是系统的吗?, reported evaluation of student outcomes for demonstrating effectiveness and improving offerings.

总结性课程 is an upper division class designed to help students integrate their knowledge. For assessment purposes student work needs to be evaluated by faculty members responsible for the program, 不仅仅是这门课的老师. Capstone experiences and standardized exams are sometimes part of a capstone course.

顶点经验/学生教学 is a activity for graduating seniors that is designed to demonstrate comprehensive learning in the major thorough some type of product or performance.

案例研究 are detailed analyses of projects or problems that result in exemplary models. 咨询 and School Psychology asks students to generate a course of action for dealing with a client based upon a comprehensive profile of that client.

竞赛/满足 are experiences during which students demonstrate their expertise and are judged or rated by experts in the field while in competition with other students. Forensic meets are examples of this assessment means.

示威活动 are performances that show skills students have mastered. Theatre students might be assessed on their acting skills demonstrated in theatrical productions.

直接的措施 are activities by students that directly demonstrate learning. They include both objective exams and performance measures such as evaluations of demonstrations, 实习, and portfolios that are evaluated by individuals other than the instructor.

考试 are standardized tests that may include multiple-choice, 是非题, 反应选择, 论文和/或问题.

  • National exams are usually produced by a professional organization, 比如美国化学会, 或者是商业公司, 比如ETS(美国教育考试服务中心). National exams are usually nationally normed so there is feedback about the relative accomplishment of participants.
  • Local exams are produced by the department or institution using them. Usually careful attention is given to reliability and validity and data are kept to compare current participants with past groups of participants.

领域经验 is application of knowledge and analysis in professional settings. 例如, field experience in practical marketing offers on-site activities designed to allow the student to experience, analyze and develop a marketing plan for an organization in a major market area.

焦点小组 are carefully planned group discussions conducted by trained moderators. 有几个问题, 提前开发, is used to generate in-depth consideration of a narrowly defined topic. 焦点小组 examine perceptions, feelings, 的态度 and ideas. A focus group could be used to assess student satisfaction with the 一般的研究 program.

正式的观察 involves experts watching and evaluating student performance. 学生 working in a group to solve a problem could be the object of formal observation.

目标 用一般术语表达预期结果. A goal might describe such broad learning concepts as clear communication, 解决问题, 或者道德意识. 目标 are further defined by being broken down into measurable objectives.

间接的措施 are means of assessment that ask students to reflect on their learning rather than to demonstrate it. 焦点小组, interviews and surveys are examples of indirect measures.

实习 is an experience that allows the student to apply what has been learned to a professional situation within a close mentoring relationship. 导师评估学生的表现. That evaluation is used as the assessment tool.

面试 are one-on-one conversations beginning with a predetermined set of questions to ascertain students' reflections on their learning experiences. 面试 can be structured or open-ended. A carefully constructed data collection instrument is necessary.

评判的活动 are performances that are evaluated by experts in the profession. Recitals, art shows and conference presentations are examples of juried activities.

目标 express intended learning outcomes in precise terms, describing specific 行为 and knowledge students should exhibit. 目标 are measurable and collectively measured to indicate the achievement or failure to satisfy a goal.

口头报告 are reports given to a group including experts who evaluate the work presented. Theses or senior project defenses are examples of oral presentations.

性能的措施 are assessment methods based on student activities or products, 而不是测试或调查, 评估学生的知识, 技能和发展.

投资组合 are systematic collections of students' works that are evaluated by set standards for evidence of learning and development. 一个艺术系学生的作品集就是一个例子.

项目 are produced by real-life work based on clients' needs. These allow students to practice oral and written communication skills to define a problem, 制定计划, 收集数据, 选择工具并分析结果. Usually the client evaluates the student's performance. Software development for clients is an example of a project for senior computer science students.

可靠性 指评估工具, such as a comprehensive examination or survey, will produce consistent results over time. 有可靠的仪器, differences in results among subjects will be due to differences in knowledge or opinions, rather than as a result of measurement error. In performance-based assessment, a participant should receive similar scores from the evaluators.

调查 is a method of collecting information from people about their characteristics, 行为, 的态度, 或看法. Most often surveys are questionnaires or structured interviews, 以邮递方式管理, 电话或现场填写, 要求一组特定的问题, appropriate instructions and a carefully constructed data collection instrument. Many bet36365体育 departments administer alumni surveys. Care needs to be taken that surveys used as assessment instruments collect information about student outcomes.

调查研究 is one tool of cross-sectional analysis and it usually relies upon a statistically valid sampling technique. Valid sampling techniques generally provide for reliable data that can be compared to the general population of people one desires to examine. In the case of surveying alums and employers, several practices are required:

  1. A listing of the population (all the people you want to examine) is needed.
  2. A sample of the population must be drawn using one of two generally accepted techniques:
    1. Random sample-use a random number generator to develop a list of numbers, then number all of your names in the population and select the names with the numbers on the random list.
    2. Systematic sample-pick every nth name on the list. 要使用这种方法, take the total number in the population and divide it by the number for the sample size you wish to choose. 例如, 如果有6个,500 students at bet36365体育 and you want to sample 650 (6,500/650=10)你会找到数字10. Now, start somewhere in your list of students and mark every tenth one. The student names you marked are your sample. This technique will give you a systematically drawn sample that approximates a random sample with less work. The systematic technique is easier to use but it still approximates random sampling because you have used no particular reason to choose the names you did.

调查研究 is based upon the idea that a sample of individuals can provide enough people to represent the entire population. The problem presented by sampling is deciding how many people to sample. The easiest approach to solving this problem is to access a website where a sample size calculator can be found. You can either search for a "sample size calculator" or simply use this URL http://www.surveysystem.com/sscalc.htm. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind when you use a sample size calculator:

  1. 置信水平 is a term that specifies how confident you can be that a given sample size is adequate. 正常情况下, a 95% confidence level is appropriate; it means that 95 times out of a hundred your sample size will produce results within a limited interval (range).
  2. 置信区间 is usually expressed in terms of a range of percentages. For evaluation research, a +/-5% confidence interval is appropriate. This means that responses with the sample size you specified will be within 5%.
  3. A sample size with a +/- 5% confidence interval set at the 95% confidence level will produce answers that are 95 times out of a hundred within plus or minus five percentage points of the answer that would be produced if you asked the entire population.

有效性 is the instrument's accuracy in measuring what a program/department is trying to measure. In assessment, instruments should measure actual student outcomes. There should be an obvious and demonstrable link between the assessment instrument and the program/department's curriculum. There should be a high correlation between the predicted success of graduates on an assessment instrument and the graduates' actual success.

写作样本 are collected from students' work at fixed intervals in their program. They are assessed anonymously and without identifying indicators of course level by a team of faculty evaluators using a standard rubric. The purpose of the samples is to assess the writers' degree of improvement over their course of study. 写作样本 can be assessed both as a group, 匿名按班级排名, 作为个人, using a type of student portfolio created by the faculty rather than by the students themselves.

Much of the information used in this glossary is from 评估要点 作者:Catherine A. 帕隆巴和特鲁迪·W. 《bet36365体育》,1999年由乔西-巴斯出版.