额外的信息 and 资源


bet36365体育在线 website provides links to a variety of student resources including information about getting started at bet36365体育 (how to register for classes on MyBlue, online student orientation) and student tutorials. 

学生 with Disabilities/Special Needs

bet36365体育 is committed to providing support for students with disabilities. If you are a student with physical, 学习, 情感, or psychological disabilities you are encouraged to contact the Disabilities Coordinator at 308-865-8214. 学生 must have a reasonable accommodation plan (RAP) from the Academic Success Office to receive any accommodations.


bet36365体育 研究服务局 (RSC) offers grants of up to $750 to graduate students to offset the costs of materials, 消耗品, 和里程相关的研究. 学生 are encouraged to seek both RSC funds and external sources of funding. Advisors are expected to assist students in these pursuits. Applications and instructions are available online through the 赞助项目办公室.

的sis and non-thesis students may also contact their advisor/mentor for possible funding options through the Department of Biology.


As a member of the scientific community, graduate students are encouraged to attend local, 区域, and national meetings to present their findings. Funds to support this activity are available through the 研究服务局. Applications and instructions are available through the department and online through the 赞助项目办公室.  学生 additionally are encouraged to contact their advisor/mentor for other funding sources.


学生 are highly encouraged to publish their scientific findings. Advisors should suggest appropriate journals for publication and provide students with assistance in preparation of manuscripts.


Access to the bet36365体育 library can be achieved at http://library.0933282516.com. This link provides instructions on how to use the library, a link for asking questions 24 hours a day, and a search box for online access.


Computer use is important for all students, but it is essential for distance students. If you are having difficulties with your computer, you can receive 24 hr assistance at 308-865-8363 or the bet36365体育服务台. 


Classes in the program are administered through the Canvas 课件. If a student is having difficulty with the system, they should contact the 电脑服务台 at 308-865-8363. 学生 should check Canvas every day to get announcements and assignments from faculty.


电子邮件 is an important method of communication at bet36365体育. Every bet36365体育 student is issued a student email account that is accessible using an Internet browser or a POP3 client such as Eudora or Outlook Express. Correspondence with professors and the major advisor should be conducted through the bet36365体育 email address. 学生 should check this account on a regular basis.


教职员工, particularly the program coordinators Brian Peterson and Robyn Schoenebeck, are available to assist you with questions. 通过以下方式与他们联系: msbiology@0933282516.com will result in the quickest response, although they are also available for phone consultations (308-865-1589). 然而, please remember that the program consists of 400 students, so it is important to be mindful of the time of those faculty and staff you contact. bet36365体育投注 work is meant to be self-driven and thus you should not expect all answers to be supplied by faculty and staff. 的 student is expected to accept the majority of the responsibility for 学习 at this level.