Department Policies

Time requirements

The work for the Masters Degree must be completed within 10 consecutive years. Course work over 10 years old at the completion of the degree may not be used.

Grade requirements

A minimum 3.0 GPA is required to graduate.  Grades of "C" and above are acceptable and can be applied towards the Master's degree.  Grades of "C-" and below are unacceptable and will not apply.

Grievance Procedures

You are encouraged to work out any differences with your advisor or committee members through direct communication. If this does not remedy the problem, the grievance will be brought before the Graduate Committee. Please contact Dr. Paul Twigg (, Graduate Program Committee Chair, to file your complaint. If your conflict is specifically with the Graduate Chair, the complaint may be filed with the Department Chair, Dr. Julie Shaffer (  If denied, a formal written complaint can then be filed to the bet36365体育 Graduate Dean. A student has 30 days to file an appeal. Further information can be found in the bet36365体育 Graduate Catalog within the section on Academic Information.

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

bet36365体育's academic integrity policy can be found in the Graduate Catalog. The Department of Biology takes breaches of academic integrity or plagiarism very seriously. Any violations of policies will be placed in a student’s file in the Biology Department and could result in expulsion.

Ethical Conduct in Research

Ethical conduct in research is taken very seriously by the Department of Biology. Students conducting research should become familiar with and conform to policies set forth by the federal government. All research projects involving human subjects must obtain IRB approval.  All research involving vertebrate animals must obtain IACUC approval. The IRB and IACUC approval forms and information can be found at