bet36365体育 Student Talent Development Program


学生 are encouraged to apply for these funds. Support for faculty or staff can不 be provided with these funds. 每年都会批准对学生才能发展有直接影响的优秀建议. 大学校长对资金的使用拥有最终批准权.

Application Process:
申请请寄往1003室教务处高级副校长办公室, Warner Hall. Completed applications must include the standard form Student Talent Application; 然而 additional documentation that can assist the selection committee in its deliberation is encouraged. If an advisor or faculty member is applying on behalf of a group of Studentss,可填写一份申请表,并附上学生名单. 费用将直接支付给学生,而不是到部门报销旅行费用, permanent addresses (as listed on MyBLUE), local address for mailing purposes, and 学生 ID numbers are also required. 申请须经系主任及学院院长批准. 副本应保存在系级,以帮助学生在报销过程中.

由副校长和学生事务主任组成的遴选委员会将审查申请. There is no deadline to apply for the funds; review will continue monthly throughout the year. Once a decision has been made to fund a request or 不, 不ification will be sent to the 学生, advisor and department secretary, along with instructions for reimbursement. 应该指出的是,为了确保各种各样的学生都能获得这些资金, 如果学生在学年期间申请一次以上的旅行或活动, 第二个或第三个事件的分配比例将明显低于第一个分配.




Reimbursement Process:
Classification of Recipient--无论学生是否受雇于bet36365体育投注, 任何获得学生才能基金资助的人士,都将被视为 学生 rather than an employee for purposes of reimbursement.

Following 不ification of award, 学生应与申请部门的组织顾问或秘书合作,协助注册, pre-payments, travel arrangements and reimbursements.

  • 它可能 be necessary for Studentss to provide receipts for expenses incurred. Student may be paid directly in the amount of the award, minus any payment made by the university on 学生's behalf. 付款授权书将由教务处高级副校长提供.

请注意,根据美国国税局的规定,直接支付给学生的款项需要缴纳所得税. 如果学生希望避免所得税规定,他们需要提供费用收据. Because of the IRS regulation, a permanent address is required. 如果学生不希望报销到他们的永久地址(如MyBLUE所列), 要求将支票寄回学校,寄到你当地的院系或学生当地的地址. In either case, the permanent address is required.

个别学生应将获奖信交给指导老师或系秘书, 谁来核实学生是否参加或将参加会议,并在有签名的奖励信原件上注明是否授权付款. 然后,部门秘书将把这封信转交给商务副校长 & 财务办公室负责分配成本中心编号并录入SAP系统.

  • 学校可以提前支付机票和注册费等费用, as long as full payment can be made through the awarded funds. Split payments to airline vendors are 不 allowed. If payment is to be made by the University, 必须在原始奖励信中附上原始供应商发票,以记录代表学生支付的金额. 然后将发票和随附的奖励函发送到VCBF办公室进行账户编码并输入SAP. 如果一个部门为学生支付了费用,并由学生通过他们的奖励来偿还, 您可以通过填写GL账户转账表并将其发送到VCBF办公室来完成费用的简单转账, along with a copy of the award letter. 在这种情况下,如果学生没有收到bet36365体育的支票,则不需要地址.
  • If a department has made a request for a group of Studentss, the advisor, 教员或系秘书必须核实在申请中提交的学生名单仍然准确,并且名单上的每个人都应该获得报销. Changes may be submitted as necessary. If the university is paying for expenses through various accounts, and payment does 不 go directly to the 学生, addresses are 不 needed. If, 然而, payment in full or in part, will go directly to the 学生, 那么永久和本地地址以及NUID号码是必需的. Please indicate if check should be mailed to permanent address, local address of 学生, or returned to department for distribution.

Please print the form and return to:

Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Warner Hall, Room 1003
Kearney, NE 68849

View and print the Student Talent Application (PDF)