Funds Received for Service Policy

Revised May 2007
Approved 1993

Policy Statement
Funds Received For Services By Employees

Funds received from students, organizations or the general public for services or goods provided by the university or university employees in their capacity as employees should be deposited with the bet36365体育 Finance Office, not the University of Nebraska Foundation. Checks should be made payable to University of Nebraska at Kearney. Examples, but not an all-inclusive list of these types of receipts are:

  • Any type of fee collected from students for materials or additional costs in connection with a university class or activity.
  • Sales of tickets to plays, musical events or other activity performed by students or faculty and using university facilities.
  • Fees charged for various tests administered by university personnel who utilize university facilities.

一般, revenue received for any type of good or service provided should be deposited with the bet36365体育 Finance Office and any charitable contribution should be deposited with the University of Nebraska Foundation.

When soliciting funds for bet36365体育, the donor should be advised to make the 礼物 payable to the University of Nebraska Foundation. The Foundation is the preferred place to accept 礼物 or donations, as they will send a thank you/acknowledgement letter to all donors regardless of the amount. If a gift or donation includes goods or services received by the donor, they are not considered a true gift or donation, and cannot go to the Foundation, but must come directly to bet36365体育.

When 礼物 are sent directly to the University and made payable to bet36365体育, the 礼物 should be submitted to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for 业务 and Finance with all correspondence relating to the gift. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for 业务 and Finance, with the approval of the Chancellor, will authorize the acceptance, acknowledge receipt of the gift, and send the funds to the Finance Office for processing. Any single gift in excess of $200,000 must be presented to the Board of Regents for acceptance.