Exercise and Physical Activity – FAQs

Posted: February 27, 2020 8:44:00 AM CST

People exercising at gym许多研究机构已经证明,经常锻炼, of moderate to vigorous intensity, 对所有年龄段的人都有益(Sevil等, 2018). 我们中的许多人从小就被教导身体活动的重要性. 它可以降低你患重大疾病和癌症等疾病的风险, heart disease, and diabetes (NHS, 2018). 随着年龄的增长,锻炼可以增强骨骼,这一点变得越来越重要, this already applies to us college students). PA还可以降低患抑郁症和焦虑症的风险, and if you struggle with a mood disorder, 锻炼可以在管理中发挥重要作用(NHS),2018). 尽管许多人几乎肯定知道这些事实, 只有三分之一的成年人每周达到建议的运动量,28%的美国人(6岁以上)不运动(HHS), 2017 ).

With all of this being said, 为了回答一些最常被问到的关于锻炼和体育活动的问题,我翻阅了各种各样的文章. Hopefully, with the help of this blog, 你将被鼓励增加你的活动水平,开始通往更健康的生活之路!

  1. How do I find/make time to exercise regularly? (American Heart Association, 2018)
    1. 如果你在一周内完全没有时间锻炼, use the weekend to catch up and get a few solid workouts in.
    2. Don’t want to sacrifice TV time for gym time? Workout while you watch your shows网上有各种各样的家庭锻炼,而且很多. 你会惊讶于你可以用最少的设备做什么,试试吧!
    3. 如果你没有时间做一项特定的锻炼,那就把身体活动分成几个部分 short sessions throughout the day. 学习休息时间提供了一个绝佳的活动机会——每小时几分钟的体育活动有助于打破久坐不动的习惯,提高幸福感. It can be as simple as a short walk!
    4. Make a schedule 在你的一周中,选择一段空闲时间,并留出这段时间来锻炼. 对我来说,我喜欢在早上锻炼,因为这最符合我的时间表. 但如果你不是一个早起的人,那就找到适合你的方法并坚持下去!
    5. Sometimes, 锻炼身体就像把车停远一点,走路一样简单, taking the stairs, using an exercise ball as a chair, etc.…be creative!
  2. Why is exercise important? (Harvard Medical School, 2019)
    1. Exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining long-term health for your entire body -这意味着预防和/或延缓精神疾病, cardiovascular (heart) disease, diabetes, and a huge one – cancer.
    2. 压力是生活中不可避免的,最重要的是,有些人患有一种精神障碍. Physical activity has been proven to decrease symptoms of depression并且能够改变大脑,类似于抗抑郁药.  
    3. 研究表明,参加体育活动是 relaxing for the mind and body – at least 30 minutes of exercise, 3 to 5 days a week, 会对你的整体健康产生很大的影响吗.
  3. 我怎样才能养成定期去健身房的习惯呢? (DeMelo, 2017)
    1. 要知道,习惯在坚持两周后就会开始养成,但这需要时间 10 weeks to fully develop the habit of being physical active.
    2. Working out around the same time every day 会帮助你保持一致-一旦你形成了一个习惯, you will begin to notice when you don’t work out.
    3. Find something that motivates you and set a realistic goal ——例如,“我将每周去健身房三天.”
    4. Aim to make your goals into “do’s”, not “don’ts”. Try to swap your unhealthy habits for healthy ones, don’t just make a goal to stop a bad habit.
  4. How much physical activity should I do a week? (Harvard Medical School, 2019)
    1. 至少30分钟中等强度的体育活动(可以是10-15分钟的间歇), 3 to 5 days a week, for a total of at least 150 minutes a week.
    2. 5天中至少有2天应该包括某种形式的阻力训练,以增强肌肉和骨骼的力量.
  5. 如果我就是不喜欢运动,我该怎么办? (Harvard Medical School, 2019)
    1. 如果你认为自己是一个久坐不动的人,那么从下面开始 simple movements. Some exercise is better than none at all. Here are a few ideas:
      1. Swing your arms while you walk
      2. 与其坐着和朋友聊天,不如边走边聊
      3. 挺胸走高,肩膀后仰,腹部内收,锻炼背部和核心肌肉
      4. Dance!
      5. Walk while you talk on the phone
    2. Find a friend to workout with. 和朋友一起锻炼会更有趣,因为有人可以和你交往, 当有人督促他们时,人们更有可能继续锻炼.
    3. If you like to socialize, try a few of the group fitness classes here on campus or join/form an intramural team.
  6. How do I overcome my gym anxiety? (Precor, n.d.)
    1. Sign up for Peer Health’s Rec Pals program
      1. 这个项目的设计是为了让你不必独自锻炼. 你会和一个和你有相似健身目标的伴侣配对,这样你去健身房会更舒服.
      2. Go to the gym during its slow hours 当周围没有那么多人来减少你感到不知所措的机会时. 
      3. Make a plan for what kind of exercises you want to do 带着它,这样你就会感到自信,能够实现你今天想要的. 列一个清单也可以帮助你保持责任感,让你专注于手边的目标,而不是你周围发生的事情.
      4. Be confident in yourself! 请记住,健身房的每个人在健身之旅中都处于不同的阶段, and most importantly, they all had to start at the beginning.
  7. 当我去健身房的时候,我不知道该做什么运动.
    1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 如果有一台机器你很感兴趣,但不知道怎么用, ask an employee for assistance.
    2. Ease yourself into the experience. 从跑步机上开始,让自己适应跑步机上的环境. 这也是一个了解健身房能提供什么的好机会, 注意你周围的人是如何使用这些设备的, and pick out anything that might interest you.
    3. Use the internet and/or social media. Seriously, there are many accredited personal trainers that provide videos 为各种背景的人提供日常锻炼的教程和技巧.


American Heart Association. (2018, March 31). 有关身体活动的常见问题. AHA. www.heart.org/en/health-topics/cardiac-rehab/getting-physically-active/frequently-asked-questions-about-physical-activity.

DeMelo, J. (2017, June 6). 6 Steps to Making a Healthy New Habit Stick. Fitbit Blog. blog.fitbit.com/healthy-habits/.

Harvard Medical School. (2019, August 26). Why We Should Exercise - and Why We Don't. Harvard Health Publishing. www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/why-we-should-exercise-and-why-we-dont.

NHS. (2018, June 11). Benefits of exercise. NHS Choices. NHS. www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/exercise-health-benefits/.

Precor. (n.d.). Gym Anxiety: What It Is and How to Get Over It. Precor Incorporated. www.precor.com/en-us/resources/gym-anxiety-how-get-over-it.

Sevil, J., Sanchez-Miguel, P.A., Pulido, J. J., Precedes, A. & Sanchez-Oliva, D. (2018). 动机与体育活动:西班牙高中生与大学生的差异. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 125(5), 894-907. doi: 10.1177/0031512518788743

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2017, January 26). Facts & Statistics. HHS.gov. www.hhs.gov /健身/资源中心/事实和数据/索引.html.

By: Health Education


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