Health Education


Posted: February 8, 2024 12:00:00 AM CST


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By: Heidi Knake

Category: Natural and Social Sciences, Graduate Studies, Health Education, General, Education, bet36365体育 Online


Posted: November 10, 2023 12:00:00 AM CST


特洛伊·布伦茨(Troy Bruntz)之所以攻读MBA,是因为他被要求担任麦库克社区医院(McCook Community Hospital)的总裁兼首席执行官. 他选择母校是因为他知道他将受到优质的教育. 他很快意识到这个学位是多么适用于经营一家医院,以及他与bet36365体育的关系如何有助于改善农村地区的医疗保健.

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By: Heidi Knake

Category: Business and Technology, Graduate Studies, General, bet36365体育 Online, Health Education

Exercise and Physical Activity – FAQs

Posted: February 27, 2020 8:44:00 AM CST

Exercise and Physical Activity – FAQs

Many bodies of research have proven that regular exercise, of moderate to vigorous intensity, is beneficial for all ages of people (Sevil et al, 2018). 我们中的许多人从小就被教导身体活动的重要性. 它可以降低你患重大疾病和癌症等疾病的风险, heart disease, and diabetes (NHS, 2018). 随着年龄的增长,锻炼可以增强骨骼,这一点变得越来越重要, this already applies to us college students). PA also reduces...

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By: Health Education

Category: General, Health Education

Suicide: Statistics, Prevention, and Resources

Posted: February 3, 2020 8:44:00 AM CST

Suicide: Statistics, Prevention, and Resources

A tragic event that affects a family, circle of friends, school, 这个社区让人们想知道本可以做些什么. Have you guessed what this is? 自杀是一种流行病,不仅在bet36365体育校园,而且在我们国家,对许多人来说都是如此. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), suicide was the #10 cause of death among Americans in 2017. 但你知道自杀是大学年龄人口的第二大死因吗? Mental health...

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By: Health Education

Category: Health Education

Zzz’s Get Degrees

Posted: December 20, 2019 8:44:00 AM CST

Zzz’s Get Degrees

睡眠似乎是最基本的事情,但我们大多数人都不知道如何去做. “每晚保证八小时的睡眠”是我们都听过的话. I know that I for one do not do this. However, there is some truth to these words. 8小时的睡眠对正常发育和白天的工作效率至关重要. 随着期末考试和项目的临近,大学生获得适当的睡眠是很重要的...

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By: Health Education

Category: Health Education, General

How to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

Posted: November 22, 2019 8:44:00 AM CST

How to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

The most festive time of the year is just around the corner. Everywhere you go, you’ll hear sleigh bells ringing, see ugly sweaters, and, to most people’s dismay, be surrounded by the flu virus. Nothing ruins the holiday season like being under the weather. 这就是为什么保持你的免疫系统健康是极其重要的, especially with winter on its way.

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By: Health Education

Category: Health Education, General

Halloween Safety Tips

Posted: October 28, 2019 8:44:00 AM CDT

Halloween Safety Tips

注意自己和他人的安全是很重要的. 如果你打算在万圣节(或一年中的任何其他时间)出去,请记住这一点。. 我知道这一切你可能已经听过无数次了,但我在这里再告诉你一遍!

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By: Health Education

Category: General, Health Education

Healthy Recipes: Tips for College Life – and Beyond

Posted: October 17, 2019 8:44:00 AM CDT

Healthy Recipes: Tips for College Life – and Beyond

I think it is fair to say that most college students struggle, at one point or another, to provide proper nutrition for their body. 如果你是这些人中的一员,不要担心——你并不孤单. The good news is that, with some work, diet can be a simple fix. 改变饮食习惯的重要一步是承诺并致力于更健康的生活方式.

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By: Health Education

Category: General, Health Education

The Sleep Imperative

Posted: September 26, 2019 8:44:00 AM CDT

The Sleep Imperative

Assignments. Quizzes. Projects. Exams. Finals. 大学生的生活似乎围绕着制定最后期限和成功完成课程而展开. But don’t forget trying to fit in a work schedule, social schedule, and a sleep schedule is just as important. 作为一名大学生,在一个学期内完成所有事情几乎是不可能的. 大多数学生都会牺牲自己的睡眠时间来完成那些深夜的项目或偷懒...

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By: Heath Education

Category: Health Education, General

Time Management Tips

Posted: September 18, 2019 8:44:00 AM CDT

Time Management Tips

Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time? 作为大学生,时间似乎一分一秒地过去了,尤其是在看Netflix的时候. 研究表明,通过有效的时间管理,学生可能会降低他们的焦虑水平,并表现出更好的学习成绩(亚当斯和布莱尔), 2019). 随叫随到的座右铭可能是你的首选,但练习时间管理可以给你带来真正的物质利益.

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By: Health Education

Category: General, Health Education

Caffeine for Dayzzz, or not

Posted: April 24, 2019 12:00:00 AM CDT

Caffeine for Dayzzz, or not

快到期末考试周了,我们都知道这意味着什么——在大量咖啡因的刺激下,深夜抱佛脚! 让我们面对现实吧——我们可能都以这样或那样的方式摄入咖啡因, whether that be coffee, soda, or energy drinks. Are you aware of how many cups of coffee you drink a day? Or if you don’t like coffee, how many energy drinks? 不管你是怎么得到的,你知道它对你的身体有什么影响吗?

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By: Health Education

Category: General, Health Education

How to Spring Into a Healthy Lifestyle

Posted: April 4, 2019 12:00:00 AM CDT

How to Spring Into a Healthy Lifestyle

你的健康是生活中非常重要的一个方面——你现在的身体是你唯一拥有的, so treat it right! 有两种方法可以确保你的身体可以持续一生,一是参加体育活动,二是适当地为你的身体提供正确的营养. 如果你目前对自己的身体不满意,或者只是想改善你的健康, here are some helpful tips to rejuvenate your life.

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By: Health Education

Category: General, Health Education

Spring Break Safety Tips

Posted: March 13, 2019 12:00:00 AM CDT

Spring Break Safety Tips

快到学期的时候了,我们可以从bet36365体育投注中休息一下,躺在阳光下. 我知道你们都和我一样讨厌雪,我们都需要从学校请假. Here are some tips to keep you safe wherever you’re headed!

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By: Health Education

Category: Health Education, General

Allergies: Facts That Will (Or Won’t) Take Your Breath Away

Posted: March 1, 2019 12:00:00 AM CST

Allergies: Facts That Will (Or Won’t) Take Your Breath Away

你或你认识的人很可能患有某种形式的过敏. A recent survey shows that over half of the U.S. population (54.6%)报告对至少一种过敏原有反应, 2012), but what causes this? 当身体的免疫系统攻击它认为危险的东西时,就会发生过敏反应. 这样做的后果可能是轻微的,比如打喷嚏、皮疹或荨麻疹. More serious cases can include swelling of the throat or...

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By: Health Education

Category: Health Education, General

Relationship Reality: Healthy vs. Unhealthy

Posted: February 12, 2019 12:00:00 AM CST

Relationship Reality: Healthy vs. Unhealthy

忙,忙,忙——这个词描述了大多数大学生,这是有道理的! 我们对学习、工作、组织和人际关系都很积极. 随着这一切来来去去,我们有没有停下来看看我们之间的关系? 随着情人节的临近,审视一下我们生活中的人际关系是很重要的.

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By: Health Education

Category: General, Health Education







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